(404) 697-9330

Camp, run, mowing, mermaid

Camp, run, mowing, mermaid

It was a great night for hammock camping. I got a full nights sleep cuddled up in a warm and cozy cocoon of a hammock. We made breakfast, broke camp and we’re home before 10am. I love camping close to home. 

I took a short nap after unpacking then went on a run with Kristina. Tom Williamson called and said he could show me the nuances of maintaining the neighborhood lawn. We chatted for about an hour and are considering taking over the contract for maintaining the neighborhood. We have to weight the costs of time, money and family commitments. 
Grant had two performances of the Little Mermaid play today. It was an entertaining event. The kids did a great performance and the play was put together very well. 
Chase is out with friends and Grant is headed to an after performance party for the crew.