(404) 697-9330

Thanksgiving week

Thanksgiving week

This week Devin and Tyler flew in on Sunday & Joshua flew in on Monday. Monday we played Gaga ball and 9 square at the elementary school and did the bar challenge had brownies and hot chocolate. Tuesday I had job interviews. Wednesday we played ultimate frisbee, made lasagnas, did a orienteering course at arbor hills, did a power point activity and watched Free Guy. Today we had a 5k at Double Tree Ranch, made thanksgiving and had an early meal so we could take Joshua to the airport. We played games, sat in the hot tub and enjoyed the afternoon at home.
A highlight of Thanksgiving was having everyone make a dish. When we got back from the 5k everyone worked in the kitchen together. Dinner came together very quickly and working together was an amazing flow. Everyone contributed and did a great job on their assignment. We wanted to eat about 12, but we were ready before 11:30.