Birthday weekend
Friday we went out to dinner with Doug & Mackenzie Brasher at Chuy’s then came home and watched “The Big Year” until after midnight.
Saturday was my 48th birthday. We slept in until 6:30. Kristina made me an omelette. We went on a run that turned into more of a walk and talk with a little running. We spent most of the day at Tyler State Park doing a land navigation – orienteering course which we thoroughly enjoyed. While we were gone the kids made dinner, baked a cake and got presents and wrapped them. When we came home we were able to enjoy a very nice evening with a birthday celebration, dinner and a movie. I think I enjoyed the gift of the kids putting everything together the most. It was very thoughtful and well done.
Sunday was the primary program. Aden’s last one. Which was precious. We also spent the weekend with the creative process of making a business name and logo, which still needs to be completed.